Free 1x1 Strategy Conversations About Your Digital Workplace, Internal Communications, and Collaboration Platform Challenges Right Now

The worried emails have started rolling into my inbox. "My company suddenly wants to use [insert collaboration technology here], and I don't know what to do." Or, "should we be using [technology A] instead of [technology B] for all-employee communications?" Or, "I'm the community manager for my network, and I'm SO overwhelmed right now. Help!" We want to help, and we're in a unique position to do so right now.

What We're Doing: Free Support

Starting today, Talk Social to Me is now offering free remote strategy conversations to help Internal Communicators, Digital Workplace leaders, IT teams, and HR managers figure out their suddenly pressing communication and collaboration challenges that have arisen from the recent COVID-19 work-from-home requirements. Whether you're a non-profit that needs to quickly implement a CEO-led "ask me anything," or if you are looking to select which tool is the best for urgent announcements, or maybe you're the leader of a global F100 company or division and Yammer/Workplace/Teams/Slack is what your employees want to use but you don't know how - we can help you figure out a solution that works right now, this week, in the short term - with the long term in mind.

Why We're Offering to Help

For the past few weeks, as a team, we have been asking each other, "how can we be helpful in the current environment? Who needs support the most?" Offering our expertise in remote, digital collaboration and communication using modern social tools seems to be relevant today now more than ever. We are not using this moment as an opportunity for business development or to convince anyone to use a particular tool. Our goal is to freely share what we have learned over the past decade supporting employee communication and collaboration - if there was a time to give back with what we have learned, it's today.Normally I'm a big webinar fan, but our team has found ourselves to be (like all of you, probably) in the role of "critical personnel-turned-homeschooling-parent-and-supply-chain-optimizer-for-older-relatives-on-lockdown." Every hour is precious, and we think we can be more helpful by tailoring support to each organization one by one.

What We Know

For reference, our expertise lies mostly in the following tools, but we're open to helping with whatever you are using. Our philosophy is tool-agnostic, and it's all about how you leverage the technology to best help and engage the humans that power your business.

  • Microsoft Teams and/or Yammer (and other O365 products)
  • Workplace from Facebook
  • Dynamic Signal
  • Social Chorus
  • Google+ Enterprise
  • Social intranet solutions (like Beezy)
  • Custom built or home-grown internal community platforms...even really old ones
  • Newsletters and frontline worker communication methods (even printed on paper or digital signage)

How to Connect with Us Today

To get help, ideas, and strategic support, email us at with your communication and collaboration challenge, your timeframe for a solution, any tools you're already using, and other pertinent details about what you need and when. If it's really urgent, please note that in the subject line. Our best work will be done by meeting with leaders and managers overseeing large groups of employees and/or overall program or tech implementations for your organization - where YOUR work will have a broad impact. We'll reach back out to you ASAP and schedule a time to meet via whichever virtual meeting solution works for you. We're here to help and share everything we can to support you as you navigate communications and collaboration during this time.We look forward to connecting with you soon. And please, pass this along to your colleagues who could use the help!


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